Can Cockatiels Eat Watermelon? Vet-Reviewed Nutritional Info

Posted by Artie Phelan on Friday, June 21, 2024

Vet approved

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One of the most notable perks of having a bird is watching them chow down on various treats. While fruit is usually a safe bet, there are a few precautions that you need to take.

So, while your cockatiel can certainly chow down on some watermelon, there are a few precautions that you need to take. But what part of the watermelon can your cockatiel eat, and what foods do you need to avoid feeding them? We break down everything that you need to know here.

Is Watermelon Toxic to Cockatiels?

In short, watermelon is not toxic to cockatiels. However, you should remove the rind from the watermelon before feeding it to your bird. While the rind of a watermelon isn’t toxic for cockatiels either, it can carry parasites and pesticides that can harm your bird. Thoroughly washing the rind helps circumvent this issue, and is also good practice for any fruits you serve your cockatiel.

Do Birds Like Watermelon?

Chances are that your bird will love watermelon. It’s sweet and delicious, and birds can’t seem to get enough of it. Of course, your bird will have their own tastes and preferences, so there is a chance, albeit a small one, that your bird might not like watermelon.

Birds typically eat the seeds out of the watermelon before moving onto the soft flesh of the fruit. If you do feed your bird the entire watermelon, they will eat the rind as well.

Feeding your cockatiels the wrong mixture of seeds can be dangerous to their health, so we recommend checking with an expert resource like The Ultimate Guide to Cockatiels, available on Amazon.

This excellent book will help you balance your cockatiels’ food sources by understanding the value of different seed types, dietary supplements, fruits and vegetables, and cuttlebone. You’ll also find tips on everything from housing to health care!

Other Fruits That Your Cockatiel Will Love

Cockatiels don’t just love watermelon, they also like just about any fruit. Common fruits to give your cockatiel include berries, papaya, kiwi, apple slices, and more!

Ideally, you should give your cockatiel a little fruit every other day. This way, they don’t get too picky about the other foods that they eat. Be sure not to overdo it because while a bit of fruit is good for your bird, too much can lead to dietary problems.

Moreover, if you mix up the fruit that you give them, this will increase the likelihood that your bird views it as a treat and not a regular part of their diet.

The 4 Fruits to Avoid Feeding Your Cockatiel

Just because something is a fruit doesn’t mean you should give it to your bird. Here, we highlighted a few different fruits that you should avoid feeding your cockatiel.

1. Avocado

If there’s one fruit that you need to keep away from a cockatiel at all costs, it’s the avocado. Avocados contain persin, which is a fungicidal toxin. While humans can handle it without any problems, it’s extremely toxic for your bird.

You can find persin in every element of the avocado, including the pit, peel, and flesh, so keep all of it away from your bird.

2. Apricot

The fruit itself is safe for parrots, but the pit and leaves are toxic for parrots. The bark of the tree is considered toxic for them too.

3. Balsam Pear

Also known as bitter gourd or bitter melon, the balsam pear’s seeds and outer rind are toxic for parrots.

4. Daphne

While most berries are safe for cockatiels, the berries of the daphne fruit are toxic for them. All parts of the berry (the skin, pit, and the flesh of the berry) are considered toxic.

The Ideal Cockatiel Diet

While it can be entertaining to feed your cockatiel various treats, the truth is that they should be just that: occasional treats.

The bulk of your cockatiel’s diet should consist of commercialized pellets. These pellets contain everything that your cockatiel needs to stay healthy, even if they don’t look the most appetizing. These commercial pellets should make up about 75% of your cockatiel’s diet.

The remaining 25% should come from various bird seed mixes, vegetables, nuts, legumes, pulses, and fruits.

Final Thoughts

Before adding any new food to your cockatiel’s diet, it’s important to do your research to keep them safe and healthy. While you can eat a ton of different foods, your cockatiel has a completely different digestive tract. Fortunately, watermelon is safe for cockatiels to eat.

As with all other fruits, watermelon should not form the bulk of your cockatiel’s diet and should instead be used to fulfill a small portion of their daily quota. Doubts about your cockatiel’s diet should be discussed with your avian veterinarian to ensure that your bird is getting the right amount of nutrients on a daily basis.

Featured Image Credit: Michael sheehan, Shutterstock
