Complete list of Atomic Heart's missions, quests, and objectives

Posted by Artie Phelan on Thursday, June 13, 2024

Atomic Heart is a single-player game that takes players on a journey to a dystopian future, where the fear of AI and robots has become a reality. Mundfish has put all its focus on creating a compelling storyline, which is well-presented in the form of missions and quests.

The game follows a tried and tested formula when it comes to quests, with main story missions that are part of the campaign, allowing players to decipher what went wrong in this world. Alongside the main missions, there are also side quests that provide additional content and completion of achievement trophies. These elements combine to create a thrilling and engaging gameplay experience.

In Atomic Heart, a significant portion of the content is structured to be experienced sequentially. However, having access to the complete list of quests and missions from the outset can be a major advantage. It ensures that you don't overlook any side quests during your journey. Furthermore, it provides a rough estimate of the amount of time your playthrough may take.

Atomic Heart has plenty of quests and missions for players to complete, and their decisions can also influence

The quests of Atomic Heart have a good amount of variety in terms of gameplay. The main quests are the most important ones as they are required to complete Atomic Heart. However, it’s worthwhile to complete the side quests, and some of them are quite interesting.

Complete missions list of Atomic Heart

  • No Rest for the Wicked
  • The Complex
  • What The Fuck Have I Gotten Myself Into
  • Wanted Dead or Alive: Viktor Petrov
  • Not So Fast Major
  • In Hot Pursuit
  • Chronos Trigger
  • Everything Illuminated
  • They Want To Make A Green Mars
  • Into The Fire
  • In An Overgrown Park
  • March of Flowers
  • As You Sow, So Shall You Reap
  • Locked Inside With Hostiles
  • Run For Your Life
  • Breath of Fresh Air
  • Country House
  • SDC2 Volan Cheat Sheet
  • Morning Express
  • Excellent
  • A brand new World
  • A Glass Darkly
  • Hands Off
  • Made in The USSR
  • The Major, the witch and the warehouse
  • She sells moustache on the seashore
  • Red Arrow – Locate Clair’s right arm
  • Tremors – Locate Clair’s right arm (Plyusch Boss Fight)
  • Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown – Locate Clair’s Head
  • Bug In The System
  • Show must go on
  • Petrov of Opera
  • Sealed with Seven Seals
  • Not a Password at All
  • Ascending The (Gallows) Stage
  • Madman In A Box
  • Sky’s The Limit
  • Combat Granny
  • Infirmary – Find The Entrance To The Pavlov Complex
  • Blood Courier
  • Everything Illuminated
  • Full Bottom / An Inconvenient Truth
  • The Nut House
  • The Final

The game has two possible endings

Atomic Heart currently features two different endings, one of which is considered to be positive. The ending you ultimately receive will be determined by the choices you make throughout the game, and we won't reveal them here to avoid any spoilers. While the ultimate goal of the game remains the same, it's best to avoid the negative outcome if possible.

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